Leading brands and industry experts have confirmed their participation in the First Swiss Supply Chain and Logistics Conference.

Over 100 participants are expected to attend the inaugural edition of the First Swiss Supply Chain and Logistics Conference. Among them, from left to right and top to bottom:
– David Sheldon, Global Supply Chain Development, Nestlé
– Wayne Rothman, VP Value Chain Management, Johnson & Johnson
– Elaine Moran, Executive Director at IML
– Matt Lashmar, Managing Director, MassChallenge Switzerland
– Luca Graf, Head of Digital Innovation, DSV Panalpina
– Marc Frank, Strategy & Innovation Director, DPD Switzerland
– Rainer Deutschmann, Head of Corporate Logistics Transportation Division at Federation of Migros Cooperatives.
– Frank Baur, VP Supply Chain EMEA, Parker Hannifin

Discover all speakers: https://swiss-supplychain.com/speakers/